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April 2024 » 20 April 2024
- REACT AGM & Earth Day Celebration
14:00 to 15:30
Quarry Park Heritage Arts Centre
On Saturday, April 20th, REACT will be hosting its annual Earth Day Celebration and AGM. After completing official REACT business, we will be treated to a presentation from ACAN, the Altona Community Action Network. ACANâs mission is to promote sustainability in [their] community through education and action. We look forward to hearing the wonderful work down in Altona, including the establishment of a curbside composting program, a plastic bag recycling program, and environmental audits of municipally owned facilities - and learning how some of these efforts can be duplicated in our communities in the South Interlake. This event is free and open to all. Refreshments will be served. We look forward to seeing you there!
Check out our annual calendar of events!